Erasmus + Project LeArNing CEnters for Social Entrepreneurs in the digital era - DIGI-LANCE4SE

Gifted Ireland is a partner in the Erasmus + Project LeArNing CEnters for Social Entrepreneurs in the digital era DIGI-LANCE4SE. This project is for 36 months and started on 1 January 2022.

The main object of the project is developing social entrepreneurial approaches based on digital solutions, a practical training programme for adult learners and interactive training resources to improve competencies of adult learners by involving partners from an academic field private and civil society representing Central, Western and Eastern European Countries.

A key component of Erasmus+ is promoting cultural awareness, developing language skills and building relationships across the European Union . The Digi-Lance4SE project is a diverse project, led by Germany, and includes organisations from Ireland, Slovenia, Italy, Romania and Greece.

Social entrepreneurship can do pioneering work and open up new perspectives for excluded people. Through the project “LeArNing CEnters for Social Entrepreneurs in the digital era – DIGI-LANCE4SE” the partnership, involving partners coming from academic field, private and civil society representing Western, Central, Eastern European countries, is developing a digital training and mentoring program that supports also socially excluded people to develop entrepreneurial skills. In this process, they gain practical experience of setting up and running a sustainable enterprise.

Acting independently as an entrepreneur out of social and ecological responsibility – this innovative type of entrepreneurship is found in social entrepreneurship. Ideas for this can be found in all people.

Six European cooperation partners have set themselves the goal of promoting people with social disadvantages and disabilities in particular and equipping them with entrepreneurial skills. In the Erasmus+ project “LeArNing CEnters for


Social Entrepreneurs in the digital era”, they are developing a digital training program and an online platform to give socially excluded people access to suitable learning materials and teachers. This gives them the opportunity to develop new entrepreneurial approaches to social problems where they have to deal with them on a daily basis.

Subsequently, the training modules and an online platform are developed and tested. The e-learning courses provide learners with practical experience of running a sustainable business in the digital age. The high-quality and innovative learning offers support in finding and shaping ideas, preparing entrepreneurial activity and legal frameworks as well as training personal skills.


In the process, each project partner also develops country-specific modules that meet local legal and social conditions. The course modules are then piloted with 20 young entrepreneurs in each of the six countries. From these, six champions are selected in each partner country. All participants receive a training certificate.

Gifted Ireland Partners

The Partners

  • Asociatia Consultantilor in Dezvoltare Comunitara-ACDC Romania Nord-Est comuna Stulpicani, sat Gemenea – Romania
  • GIFTED IRELAND Ireland Dublin DUBLIN – Ireland
  • UPI – ljudska univerza Zalec Slovenia Savinjska Žalec – Slovenia
  • YGEIAS DIADROMES Greece Aττική (Attiki) ATHENS – Greece
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