The specific objectives of the project are:

O1: Enhance educators’ professional competences to work with women learners to help them be more included in their societies by inspiring them with other women’ stories and using appropriate storytelling methods;

O2: Increase the capacity of adult educators to teach languages to migrant and refugee women by providing them with effective teaching materials;

O3: Promote the inclusion of migrant and refugee women in adult education by enabling better learning offers for them;

O4: Raise awareness about the need for improving the feeling of belonging and inclusion of migrant and refugee women into their host societies and enhance understanding of the historical roots of discrimination and inequality

 O5: Create synergies among actors relevant in the educational and cultural fields and other entities working with women. The specific objectives of the project are directly linked to the selected priorities for the Erasmus+ programme.

The project will address inclusion and diversity, as it will directly support migrant and refugee women in their integration and active involvement in their communities by developing an open platform with inspirational stories for them.

 we aim to increase understanding of gender issues among women by means of inspirational stories that will encourage them to take a more active part in their new communities.

Learning the language of a new country is not easy, especially if you are not involved in any social or civic activity. The project “Success, power, equality, asylum and knowledge: just Her” will take advantage of the influence language has on people’s inclusion and feeling of belonging in a new society and combine it with the force of inspiring stories of other women so as to boost migrant and refugee women participation in their new communities.


The resources created by the project, particularly the handbook and the lesson plans, may be applicable in university departments teaching culture and gender studies, languages and other areas that make use of the topics of heritage, intercultural understanding, equality and diversity.

The direct target groups of the project are: – Adult educators: social workers, teachers, mentors, professors, etc.; especially those working with women, including migrant and refugee women – Staff working in informal and non-formal adult education contexts, such as in women’s associations, centres working with migrants, etc. – Experts from the partner organisation who will increase their capacity on this issue and will be able to support the first two target groups in their direct work with adult learners.

Gifted Ireland Partners

The Partners

  • Nikanor
  • IRIS
  • GIFTED IRELAND Ireland Dublin DUBLIN – Ireland
  • Open Europe
  • Let Her In 
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